Painting, decorating and home improvement tips blog
Getting a professional finish – a quick guide to gloss work
Posted by Adrian
June 1st, 2011
Getting a professional finish – a quick guide to gloss work
When you are painting gloss paintwork many people find they end up with brush marks in the final dried paintwork. This could be due to a couple of reasons.
I have been asked, how come I don’t get lots of brush marks, runs or dirt in my gloss work.
Preparation, Brushes and Paint
Firstly, your preparation is vital and shouldn’t be overlooked. You may find my post on Decoration and Preparation of interest.
Also you need to use a good quality brush, many cheaper brushes can be too wiry and stiff which can cause brush marks in the wet gloss.
Another thing to consider is to use a good quality gloss paint; many top brands will flow well as you apply the gloss to the woodwork eliminating brush strokes as it dries. Cheaper brands or solid non-drip type gloss can be a bit thick to apply and may not flow that well.
Applying the Gloss Paint
The other thing you need to consider is how you apply the gloss, you need to put enough on but not so much the gloss runs. This comes with experience and knowing the products you are using.
Once you have applied the gloss, use the brush to go over the area you have just painted with long strokes with an unloaded brush, this will help spread the gloss more evenly. Once you have done this, go over the area again with the unloaded brush with even lighter strokes until you are barely toughing the paint.
If you follow these basic steps your gloss work should look more like a professional has done it.
Be aware that if you are painting gloss paint and it is in a damp atmosphere, such as outside, you may get a ‘bloom’ (a dullness) over it by the next day and the sheen will be gone, and you will have to re-paint it. To avoid this, don’t paint gloss in a damp atmosphere of too early or too late in the year when the damp can affect your paint.
Please note: This post refers to oil based gloss paint and not water based gloss paint, although the principles are the same, drying times and how it acts differ.
Tags: brush, Gloss, Oil-based paint, Paint, Paintbrushes, water-based paints
Posted in Decorating Tips | 4 Comments »
12 essential tools for your DIY decorating toolbox
Posted by Adrian
April 4th, 2011
Tools you should have in your toolbox
The following is a basic list of tools you should consider having in your decorating toolbox, you may need more than those listed but these are really the twelve essentials to get you started. This list doesn’t include sundries such as sandpaper.
Dustsheet, heavy and light
Dustsheets are needed to cover over furniture and flooring, they can be heavy weight or lightweight or even plastic disposable ones depending on the job they are required for.
You may find having more than one scraper of use, a thin bladed one for things like opening cracks and a wider one for filling cracks, scraping walls and ceilings and removing wallpaper.
A selection of screwdrivers would be useful for removing things such as shelves, door furniture and electrical items* such as wall lights, ceiling lights, switches and sockets.
Sharp knife
This can be used to open tubes of decorators caulk, packets of filler and wallpaper paste and for cutting wallpaper, or even to sharpen your pencil !!
Continue reading 12 essential tools for your DIY decorating toolbox
Tags: Decorating, Decorator Caulk, Dustsheet, Hammer, Knife, Masking Tape, Paint kettle, Paint tray, Paintbrushes, Roller Cage, Roller Sleeve, Scraper, Screwdriver, Toolbox, Tools, Wallpaper
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